Vision Excellence Participants can use the passcode givenĀ here
Define Phase
Step 1: Identify the Problem areas.
Step 2: Select the Problem.
Step 3: Prepare Project Charter.
Measure Phase
Step 1: Identify Performance CTQ.
Step 2: Analyse Measurement System.
Step 3: Baseline Performance.
Analyse Phase
Step 1: Identify the Potential X factors.
Step 2: Validate the Critical X factors.
Step 3: Verify Sufficiency of Critical factors.
Improve Phase
Step 1: Generate and Evaluate Solutions.
Step 2: Select and Optimise best solution.
Step 3: Pilot implement and Validate the solution.
Control Phase
Step 1: Implement control system for critical X factors.
Step 2: Document the solution and benefits
Step 3: Handover to Project Owner and Project closure.